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Scrum process

  • The project group work in sprints of three weeks.
  • The group follow the scrum rituals with sprintplanning, refinement, retro and daily stand-up.
  • The sprints end with a demo (sprintreview) on Monday every third week at twelve o'clock.
  • Developers have an open Teams-link where they cooperate daily.
  • The project group meet physically once a quarter.

Test tools

We are exploring what test tools we are going to use so this list can be changed.

Type of test Testing tools
Unit and integration tests Vitest/Jest
Stories in Storybook
Static code analysis CodeQL (in GitHub)
Thirdparty code Dependabot security and version updates,
Dependabot alerts
Use Snyk Advisor to check development and maintenance health of libraries
Automated end-to-end tests Mabl
Acceptancetests Mabl, Chromatic: UI Review (Manual test)
Regressiontests Mabl
Chromatic: UI Test
Accessibility testing @storybook/addon-a11ly Shows relevant results automatically in Storybook,
Axe browser extension
Mabl with Axe
Valid HTML5 (W3C validator)
Security tests
Dynamic analysis:
Performance tests Mabl and Lighthouse
Container security Trivy?