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The project has different goals, and one of them is to launch a test-version of PxWeb in mid 2024. Another goal is to deliver a beta-version of PxWeb based on PxWebAPI 2.0 during 2024.

PxWeb 2.0 delivery testversion June 2024

  • New PxWeb page with variablebox and table, getting data from API 2.0
  • Language management
  • Algorithm for choosing the best result for displaying a table
  • Chose different values in variable and see changes in the table

Picture of detail-page of variabel and the table in PxWeb 2.0

Maintasks autumn 2024

  • Main-page for PxWeb 2.0
  • Graph
  • Saved query
  • Search
  • Save file in different formats
  • Show PxWebAPI 2.0 in PxWeb 2.0
  • Most requested functionality and tools