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PxWeb solution

In this project, we have made some choices about how we will work in the project across two countries, in order to create opportunities for other countries to contribute in the long term with both development and user testing of PxWeb 2.0. In addition, we have made some choices to find the best solution for installing PxWeb. All this to reach the main goal to create a user-friendly PxWeb.

WCAG and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • The new interface will follow the rules for A and AA in WCAG 2.1
  • SEO is the use of methods that achieve better visibility or "ranking" on search engines result page.

PxWeb 2.0 designsystem

We build a design system that can be used by all so the same components can be used for all px products so they get a common expression and be recognizable. Design system in Storybook

Options in PxWeb 2.0

Each organization should easily be able to adapt the interface a little, but it should still be possible to see that it is a Px-product. The changes will be possible to introduce both before and after installation of PxWeb 2.0. It will be possible to change - colors - font - corner radius of the elements in the interface.

Open source at GitHub

The new interface will be able do install directly from GitHub. Also documentation will be found here. PxTools at GitHub


We are following the UX design process in this project. The Ux design process All the choices we make must be based on user insigth. The main focus has been navigation, understand the main fuctionaility in PxWeb and how the most used task should work. We have done four usertest so far, both on desktop and mobile, and will continue in the whole project period.

Possibility for connection

When PxWeb 2.0 interface is ready for production, it is easy to connect other tools such as Highcharts, Tableau, Power BI and other AI products. This can be connected both by using saved queries from PxWeb 2.0 or by connecting directly to PxWebAPI 2.0.